2011 N. Collins Boulevard, Richardson Texas 75080 Suite 601

Body Aptitude Assessment

80 Minute Introductory session with one of the studio owners to assess your unique needs and create a path moving forward.  This session is required before booking any other classes or sessions.

Private Session Rates

Movement Integration

Sessions with our most Experienced Teachers and Physical Therapists which may include: Pilates, Gyrotonic, Rossiter, FST, Smart Spine and other advanced modalities.

50-Minute Session $110, $420 for 4, $1000 for 10
80-Minute Session $150, $550 for 4
Gyrotonic Duet $75, $700 for 10

Pilates Session

Pilates with a Certified Instructor that has completed the Cornerstone Pilates Advanced Teacher Training Program.

50-Minute Session$95, $360 for 4, $850 for 10
80-Minutes Session $130, $500 for 4
Duet $55, $500 for 10

Pilates with a Resident Teacher

Pilates with a Certified Teacher in the Cornerstone Pilates Advanced Teacher Training Program.

Private: $75, $280 for 4, $650 for 10
Duet: $45, $400 for 10

Pilates with Apprentice Teacher

Pilates with a Student completing Pilates Certification.

Private $50

Membership Packages*

Nurture Body, Mind & Spirit Packages*

4 Pilates Privates

4 Classes

$450 ($90 Savings)


4 Pilates Privates

Unlimited Classes

$500 ($130 Savings)


4 50-Minute Movement Integration

4 Classes

$500 ($100 Savings)

4 50-Minute Movement Integration

Unlimited Classes

$550 ($140 Savings)

*Each of these packages include 1 Migun Session per month

Ultimate Self-Care Packages*

8 Expert Privates

4 Classes

$750 ($170 Savings)


4 50-Minute Movement Integration

4 Pilates Privates

4 Classes

$800 ($180 Savings)


8 50-Minute Movement Integration


Unlimited Classes

$850 (Over $300 Savings)

*Each of these packages include 4 Migun Session per month

Private Sessions do not expire, but will roll-over if not used in the month.
Autopay will draft on the first of the month of each month from the Credit Card on file.
There is no contract. Packages may be canceled or suspended at anytime

Pilates Group Equipment Class

Classes are designed to challenge the participant using Pilates principles.

Single Class $40, $360 for 10

Class Junkie Packages*

Unlimited Classes + 1 Resident Private

$250 ($75 Savings)

Unlimited Classes + 1 50-Minute Movement Integration Session

$300 ($60 Savings)

Unlimited Classes + 2 50-Minute Movement Integration Sessions

$350 ($70 Savings)


*Autopay unlimited class packages will be able to schedule classes beyond the current month

Fascial Stretch Therapy

FST™ (Fascial Stretch Therapy) is a unique, complete and complementary system of table-based assisted stretching. It focuses on the fascia and joint capsule as the key elements in achieving optimal flexibility, strength, performance and pain relief.

Single Session $115, $440 for 4

Rossiter Stretching

Rossiter Stretching Technique (RST) is a unique, effective, safe two-person stretching program that not only quickly alleviates pain but can prevent its occurrence.

50 Minute Session $95
25 Minute Session $55